Application Note
Racing Kart Throttle Position Sensor developed using Gill’s 25mm sensor
Racing kart throttle position sensor uses non-contact technology to provide data to improve race performance
The 25mm linear non-contact position sensor from Gill Sensors & Controls has been installed onto a throttle pedal of a 125cc Rotax Max Heavy class racing kart.
Darren Conway from New Zealand, contacted Gill Sensors about using the 25mm position sensor for measuring the position of throttle pedal movement on his racing kart. The sensor would be installed to provide valuable measurement data required to improve the drivers’ race performance.
With the intention to interface the measurement device directly into an Aimsports Mychron 4 data logger, the inductive sensor was a better alternative to a hall-effect sensor or potentiometer typically used on kart pedals due to its higher accuracy. Additionally the sensor has no moving mechanical parts so there is no contact between sensor and its activator, eliminating components that can wear out. An additional advantage Gill’s sensor has over other mechanical sensor types is that the sensor is fully protected against water and track debris, which is important in the open racing kart environment.
Supplied with a custom 2 metre cable to facilitate the installation, Darren developed his own activator using a strong, light and corrosion-resistant, copper-clad board to meet the constraints imposed by the physical installation. A pivoting activator was designed with an angular range of +/-90° to extend the linear range of the 25mm stroke sensor. The 10 bit sensor was installed to the support frame of the throttle pedal to provide a linear measurement range of 65mm, however only 40mm was required for the karting application.
Darren also fabricated an aluminium cover to support and protect the assembly from damage and environmental conditions encountered in competitive kart racing. Darren is pleased with the results from the sensor, stating “I raced with the throttle position sensor on the weekend and It worked perfectly”.
Based on this successful application, Darren is now working on integrating the Gill inductive sensor range to measure steering position on his kart.
Darren Conway is a professional engineer from New Zealand.