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Application Note

Rotary Sensor installed on earthquake simulator

Gill sensor unshaken by installation on children's earthquake simulator

The 360 Rotary Sensor from Gill Sensors & Controls has been supplied for an earthquake simulator at one of the UK’s largest children’s theme parks.

The international toy brick manufacturer, who has theme parks around Europe, has installed a 360 rotary sensor into a table-top simulator which moves and vibrates to imitate the effects of an earthquake, allowing visitors to test the strength of their toy brick construction.

The rotary sensor has been selected to accurately measure the movement and speed feedback data of the earthquake table simulator. The 360 Rotary Sensor uses induction technology and a unique wear-free two part design to provide 10 bit resolution. Due to its small, lightweight construction, the rotary sensor offers a fit-and-forget installation and is extremely reliable, making it an ideal fit for the application.

Rotary Sensor installed on earthquake simulator
rotary position sensor