Company News
Gill expands product services through the acquisition of Calibration Company
Gill Corporate Limited is pleased to announce that Labcal, a UKAS calibration service company, has recently joined the Gill Group.
Labcal has over 35 years’ experience in providing accredited calibration and test services across a wide range of parameters including gas flow, temperature, humidity, air speed, pressure and liquid flow. Labcal’s laboratory and services are accredited to UKAS (ILAC) and ISO 17025 Standards in recognition of their high competence and performance capability. Over the years Labcal has built a strong reputation for its excellent personal customer service and support throughout the calibration process.
Founded in 1988, the Gill Group is formed of four companies, Gill Instruments, Gill Sensors & Controls, Gill Research & Development and Labcal. The Group designs, manufactures and tests industrial measurement and control instruments, which are used worldwide in performance demanding industries including meteorology, motorsport, marine and defence. Gill has a strong reputation for the innovation, quality and reliability of its instruments and the acquisition of Labcal is an important step, as it enables Gill to offer accredited testing and calibration services.
Commenting on the acquisition, Mike Creagh, Gill Director, said “Testing and calibration services are extremely important to our customers and this acquisition enables us to combine our precision instruments with a range of testing and calibration services. Since joining the Group Labcal has supported the successful UKAS accreditation of our Merlin wind tunnel, which is now one of the fastest in Europe. We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Ahad and his team at Labcal into the Group and look forward to the new opportunities ahead.”

Wind Tunnel