Position Sensors
What are the principles of Induction position sensing?
What are the principles of induction position sensing?
Inductive sensors are used in a versatile range of applications throughout industry to measure the positional movement of gearboxes, pedals and mechanical arms, to name a few.
With ever increasing pressure on costs, the need for accurate and reliable monitoring equipment is fundamental to maximising productivity and reducing mechanical down time and system failure.
Induction position sensors are capable of measuring linear, angular, rotary and non- uniform movement across measurement zones expanding from 20mm to 100mm and beyond.
Three part process
The principle of induction position sensing is a 3 step process.
Gill’s Induction sensors use a series of coils which measure the position of a metallic target, referred to as the activator. The activator can be mounted to or machined into, the moving part of the application.
In the first step, the coil generates a magnetic field, which penetrates the activator, causing it to produce its own opposite field.
Next, the coil stops generating its magnetic field and measures the activator’s induced field.
Finally, this measurement of the induced field is compared across the series of coils, to calculate an absolute measurement of the activator position.
Higher accuracy
This measurement principle allows Gill position sensors to be used for a wide range of measurement types, with no inherent mechanical limit or need for mechanical control.
The constant air gap between the sensor and activator ensures the sensor will not deteriorate through use and, unlike hall effect technology, induction technology is unaffected by the presence of permanent magnets or the Earth’s magnetic field, and will not drift with temperature.
Gill’s sensors are non-contact, fully sealed position sensors designed for extreme conditions and harsh environments. This solid-state construction removes any potential interference from dust, dirt and liquid ingress to provide a range of sensors for demanding applications with highly accurate and durable measurement.